Have you ever used dowsing to locate unmarked graves? The Lake County Genealogical Society in California does. Here is a short notice from them about a Kelseyville Cemetery tour that includes a dowsing demonstration.
“Starting off the tour will be a grave dowsing demonstration and instruction. This activity is used to locate bodies in unmarked graves.
Read more at: Lake County News, 27 May 2023, Editor
Whether there was never a grave marker placed, or it disappeared due to fire or the elements, dowsing helps to determine if the plot is occupied.
While not as accurate as ground penetrating radar, grave dowsing is a less expensive alternative.
Older cemeteries often contain headstones which identify parent’s names, but not their children. Identifying the number of children buried in a grave site helps a genealogist determine the number of family members to research.”
Please leave a comment if you have tried this and what results you had.