Good afternoon Fellow Dowsers near and far …
This mid-season newsletter is a little late in its distribution but better late than never.
First, before you put this down without reading, yes we are having a Fall Gathering again this year. The dates are 21-23 September 2018, at the Tata Centre in Tatamagouche, NS. You can find all those great details on our website,, or check our Facebook page. Sounds like a great program, we are all Students and we are all Teachers, we learn from each other.
So how is everybody doing? Lots of good feedback from Dowsers all over the Atlantic Region. Many Dowsers practice quietly by themselves while others form associations, groups, and clubs in their own area where they practice, learn, and grow. We develop our skills and gain confidence, thus making us more efficient in our practice. We engage in many applications associated with Dowsing (i.e.) Healing of the Body, Mind, and Spirit, Clearing Energies, Balancing Frequencies, Finding Lost Items, just to mention a few.
One of the more frequent requests we get is for a Dowser to find water. These requests are coming from all over and we have been able to respond to requests from Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island, Pictou area, Colchester/Hants, Lunenburg County, Annapolis Valley, and Halifax. We seem to have a void in the Moncton area and there appears to be a need there. We did have a number of Dowsers from that area attend Susan Collins Workshop last year, so if you would be interested, advise the Steering Committee via the Website.
Folks, those of us who have experienced the positive improvements in our lives as a result of our Dowsing Practice, need to share this knowledge with those of our friends and family so they too can benefit from this ancient art. The world needs all the help it can get right now, so much strife, so much environmental damage, so many people in need. We can make a difference, one Dowser can do great things, but many Dowsers working together can overcome what some may call, impossible.
So just to make sure you are prepared, mark your calendar, send in your registration, and invite a friend to attend the Fall Gathering of the Atlantic Dowsers Society being held in Tatamagouche the 21st-23rd of September 2018.