2019 ADS Conference Notes

Earth Magnetic Field

The terrestrial magnetic field is formed by grids known as global networks. These are preferred channels of energy circulation. Above these grids, low intensity radiation of natural origin is concentrated, often imperceptible to most people.” ~~~ Carles Surià

Energy Leys

  • A six to eight-foot wide “beam” of yang (positive) energy. The width seems to vary according to the time of day, time of year, and perhaps the phase of the moon.
  • Always found in their natural state in absolutely straight lines. If it curves, it is not an energy ley.
  • Whenever an energy ley begins, cross each other, or end, there is primary water underneath.
  • Energy lines, like rivers, have a direction of flow.
  • In most sacred sites, there is an energy ley flowing along the major axis of the site, and it exits out the entrance of the site.
  • Energy leys have a beginning and an end. They come in vertically to the surface of the earth at what is called a downshoot. Turning 90 degrees, they then travel across the surface of the earth as an energy ley crossing other energy leys as they go. Finally, they once again turn 90 degrees and go to earth at what is called an earthing point (Sig Lonegren, Earth Mysteries Handbook, ASD 1985).

    Hartmann Lines

    • Straight lines, a global network discovered by Dr. Ernst Hartmann in the 1960s, have a thickness of about 21 cm.
    • The intensity of the Hartmann Lines increases during the night, therefore the effects on human health occur especially during the hours of sleep.
    • In mid-latitudes they are parallel lines with a distance of 2.5 meters East-West and 2 m North-South. Between these geometric lines there is a neutral zone.
    • The points located above the vertical of a Hartmann network crossing, or of a line crossing with another geological disturbance, such as groundwater or faults, can result in an increase in anxiety, insomnia, trembling and cramps.
    • Living beings should already be used to these energy networks, as they would have always existed. However, it seems that human activity can affect them. Geobiologists detect it more intensively in urban areas, with greater artificial contamination by electromagnetic fields, as compared to more rural or natural environments (www.carlessuria.com).

    Curry Lines

    • Straight lines, named after Dr. Curry, an American physician born in Munich, in 1899, have a thickness of about 40 cm.
    • The Curry network is a diagonal grid to the Hartmann network. These are Northeast-Southwest and Northwest-Southeast lines, with a separation between lines of 4-16 meters.
    • Like the Hartmann Lines, the Curry Lines increase the intensity of their radiation during the night at the points where they cross. Their intensity is also influenced by the lunar cycle; increasing on a full moon.
    • Unlike the Hartmann Lines, the Curry Lines are believed to have their origin in cosmic influences, and not in radiation from the Earth’s interior (www.carlessuria.com).

    The Schneider Grids

    • Described by Schneider in the 1980s, as positive grids oriented 45 degrees east to north, with lines 17 cm wide, at repeating intervals of 294 meters, and a north-south and east-west energy flow.
    • The second Schneider grid is also positively oriented 28 degrees east of north with lines 21 cm wide and repeating intervals of 267 meters (Earth Energies and Geopathic Stress, Alex Stark).

    Earth Lines and Non-Natural Energies

    Ley Lines

    • A ley line is defined by its discoverer, Alfred Watkins, as an alignment of sites. In England, according to Paul Devereux, there must be at least five sites on a straight line within ten miles to be considered a statistically valid ley line.
    • Any marker of the ley line system must have primary water beneath it.
    • Sometimes energy leys run concurrently with ley lines, sometimes they don’t.
    • Ley lines are man/woman made, energy leys are not (Sig Lonegren, Earth Mysteries Handbook, ASD 1985).
    • Ley lines are straight over-ground energy lines that echo the sinuous path of larger underground currents, including underground rivers. They carry positively charged Yang Qi and are a counterpart to the negatively charged Yin Qi of underground water. They are associated with the Upper World in traditional societies and are charged with Heavenly Consciousness. Because they act as a conduit for spiritual energies of various types, they are often referred as “spirit lines” (Earth Energies and Geopathic Stress, Alex Stark).

    Primary Water and Water Domes

    • Is formed inside the Earth, as opposed to surface water that is formed in the atmosphere as rain or snow. Water veins and artesian wells are examples of primary water.
    • Primary water is yin (negative) energy.
    • Steam under great pressure, deep in the earth, is forced upwards, condensing as it gets closer to the surface. This occurs in deep faults or fractures and in water domes.
    • Water domes are one of the main recipients of primary water. This vertical chimney of water ascends toward the surface until it is stopped by an impermeable layer like clay. It then leaves the dome at various depths through fractures called veins. There are usually an odd number of water veins leaving a dome. (Sig Lonegren, Earth Mysteries Handbook, ASD 1985).

    Power Centre

    • A power centre is found at any point on the earth’s surface where one or more energy leys and primary water converge. The ancients referred to this as “holy ground”.
    • An L rod will “helicopter” or spin around when held over a power centre. (Sig Lonegren, Earth Mysteries Handbook, ASD 1985).

    Geopathic Stress Zone and Lines

    • Geopathic stress is a form of trauma caused by disturbed or anomalous energies within the Earth’s mantle. The Earth is surrounded by an energy grid which contains and transmits vital forces. This grid is essential to life and is part of the background radiation which supports life. However, this energetic grid can become traumatized and the energies which it contains and emanates can become harmful to life. Geopathic stress has been implicated in a number of undesirable effects on human health. From simple conditions such as sleeplessness or confusion to highly dangerous ones such as cancer, decreased fertility, and auto-immune dysfunction (Earth Energies and Geopathic Stress, Alex Stark).
    • A geopathic zone is a field or configuration of energy, generally electromagnetic in nature and natural in origin, that can be dowsed as noxious or detrimental to the health and well-being of certain human beings, and to varying degrees, other forms of animal or plant life.
    • Geopathic stress is natural radiation which rises up through the earth, distorted by weak electro-magnetic fields created by subterranean running water, certain mineral concentrations, fault lines, underground caverns, etc. where the natural radiation is disturbed, and thus can become harmful to living organisms. (Dulwich Health Society Newsletter, 1994).
    • Geopathic stress zones are different from man-made electromagnetic fields (EMF).
    • Grids may be geopathic only at certain nodes.
    • Negative effects of geopathic zones depend on the spacing and intensity of the lines.


    • Formed by the crossing of two or more geopathic stress lines.

    Black Streams

    • Black streams are underground water veins or streams that give off noxious radiations which can be harmful to life above them. They can be conceptualized as Earth meridians (Mai) whose flow has become stagnant or polluted, giving rise to negative energy (Sha Qi). This Sha Qi includes radon gas as well as subtler elements.
    • Black streams have been dowsed to be anywhere from 1 to 900 feet deep and from 1 to 300 feet wide (the widest corresponding to a major ley line).
    • Black streams have been known to change their habitual course, especially after earthquakes and droughts. They are known to be stronger at midday, mid-summer, full moon, and during periods of heightened solar flare (sunspot) activity.
    • A black stream is a sick Earth Meridian (Lung Mai). There is a well-established link between black streams and traumas of the Earth’s etheric web that have caused the flow of Qi to stagnate in these channels. Typical examples of such traumas include railways, highways, embankments, power stations, real state development, quarries, mines and building foundations (Earth Energies and Geopathic Stress, Alex Stark).

    Energy Spring or Shaft

    • A place where a shaft of energy is dowsed as rising vertically from the surface of the earth.
    • May have no association with underground water and is not to be confused with a blind spring.
    • Generally this energy rises in the form of a vortex where the two-dimensional plan view is in the form of a spiral, but it sometimes manifests as a helical cylinder of constant diameter, where the plan view appears as a circle (British Society of Dowsers, Glossary of Terms).

    Thought Forms

    • Lines or forms of intent, that can be very confusing to dowsers as they can be easily detected and thus confused with other kinds of earth lines.

    Schumann’s Resonance

    • The Schumann Resonance is essentially the pulse of the heart of the earth, to which our hearts and brains are specifically attuned with. The awareness of the Schumann Resonance helps us to see the real cosmic interconnectedness of all of us humans, animals, plants, the planet earth, the sun and the moon.
    • The Schumann Resonance is a planetary tuning fork to which all lifeforms on the surface of our planet are tuned. In essence, the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies and minds would be highly likely to be affected as the Schumann Resonance is disrupted.
    • The Schumann Resonance is a frequency generated from the wave resonance of the lower part of the ionosphere and the earth. The ionosphere has several different layers it is a shell of electrons, electrically charged atoms and molecules that surround the earth. It stretches from a height of about 50 km (31 miles) to 1,000 km (620 miles). The most relevant layer is the D-layer, which is the innermost layer at about 37-56 miles above Earth’s surface. It’s between the earth and the D-layer where there’s a resonance that is set up that creates the Schumann Resonance. There is a significant amount of research on the topic. In a paper by Neil Cherry, published in July of 2002, he writes, “A large number of studies have identified significant physical, biological, and health effects associated with changes in solar and geomagnetic activity (S-GMA).”
    • The Schumann Resonance is a geomagnetic electric resonance between the surface of the earth and the lower levels of the ionosphere, which has a natural ultra-low frequency and extreme low-frequency signal. They are discovering that the Schumann Resonance signal is correlative with sunspot numbers and has a real physical mechanism located in the D-layer of the ionosphere with an ion and electron density that varies with the S-GMA.
    • Research suggests that the Schumann Resonance signals are the mechanism through which melatonin production is activated. When the Schumann Resonance goes above 7.87 Hz, there is a decrease in melatonin secretion (Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), ND, 5G –A Toxic Assault on the Planetary Web of Life, 2019).

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